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-- obsolete -- Resetting the RF Control System

incorporated into manual March 2014- TA

by Zheng Ting Ang, April 22, 2003; updated Sep. 8, 2009 (as per Zheng Ting Ang); updated with svchost/System Idle Process July 19, 2013 (JA)


If one RF cavity is acting up, proceed to step (I).  If multiple cavities controlled by a particular RF console are acting up, or if communication through EPICS is sluggish (i.e. it takes several seconds for the system to respond to commands), proceed to step (II).


For RF controls inquiries contact Ken Fong, Mike Laverty, or Qiwen Zheng.


To reset [the] RF control system when [the] control program or control computer fails to work, you must go to the local control station to reset it.


  1. Shut off RF: From EPICS. [addendum: May not work.]
  2. Switch off [the] control program: Find "dtl1 RF Control Server" window (it may be minimized). Close it and do not save anything.
  3. Find the corresponding VXI crate (VXI crate locations: 4 are above the monitor, and 3 below it) and push the "reset" knob. Eg. The one for DTL1 is red and is located on the left board of its named board in the VXI crate.
  4. Turn on the control program by choosing, for examople: Start/Programs/DTL1.
    • Check if the amplifier is ready. If not, reset and start it.
    • Turn on the RF by clicking "AUTO-ON" button when [the] amplitude setpoint is about 400.



  1. On the local RF console, open the 'Task Manager' (CTRL-ALT-DEL, select 'Task Manager') and select the "Processes" tab.  Record the following information: svchost.exe "Mem Usage" and "CPU"; System Idle Process "CPU".
  2. Shut off RF (locally or through EPICS)
  3. Switch off all control programs: Eg. Find "dtl1 RF Control Server" window (it may be minimized). Close it and do not save anything. Repeat this until you turn off all [the] RF controlled by the computer.
  4. Reboot computer.
  5. If step 4 does not work:
    •  Turn on Control Communication Program by choosing: Start/Program/auxx.exe [addendum: No such file on the RFQ computer.]
    • Turn on each control program by choosing: Start/Programs/DTL1, and so on for all of them.
  6. Check if amplifiers are ready. If not, reset, and start them.
  7. Turn all RF on by clicking "AUTO-ON" buttons, when amplitude set - points are about 400, for all RF devices.
  8. Email the RF group and inform them of the information collected in step 1.
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