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Setting the Energy with the Prague Magnet

Marco Marchetto's instructions to ISAC Operators on making DTL energy changes for beam delivery in HEBT beamline. N.B.: This note is just for the Prague. Energy change procedure for 40-Ca is on the previous note.

Date: 18/11/2005

By: Marco Marchetto



  • Save the HEBT (High Energy Optics 1) page using "Fiddle"
  • Set the HEBT:Q6, HEBT:Q7 and HEBT:Q8 to look into the Prague (OpenOffice -> Optics ISAC-1 -> Main_Prague, here you can find a section called "HEBT section (for Prague Magnet), first of all remember to set on the top of the page the right ion and energy we are running.)
  • Open the window of HEBT:XCOL8A and put it in Postion 1 (don't use 'in')
  • Set the current on the Prague for the right energy
  • Move the amplitude of the last DTL device turned on in order to maximize the current on HEBT1:FC0
  • Big energy changes may require to also touch the phase of the last DTL device turned on [What is 'big'?]
  • Pull out HEBT:XCOL8A
  • Restore the HEBT (High Energy Optics 1) with the "Fiddle"
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