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Controls / EPICS / PLC

Resetting IMSIOC
isac2diag IOC Reboot
Victor Verzilov's instructions on how to reboot isac2diag IOC. Associated labeled image in the ISAC ION book for June 13, 2007.
IOC Reboots cautions
Date: Jul 26, 2006
IMS:FC34, ILT:FC7, ILY:FC4 "Not alive" fix
Date: May9, 2008
--obsolete-- ISAC Firewall
Obsoleted by J.Aoki 2017-11-02 based on new information provided by K.Ezawa: "Physical ISAC Firewall has been retired and ISAC Firewall rules are provided by CCN Juniper."
Mass Separator Hall Probe
Date: July 23, 2008
Mass Separator Hall Probe
Date: July 23, 2008 By: Friedhelm Ames The Hall Probes of the Mass Separator Magnet have been swaped
Starting CRYO ALH in MCR
ISAC Operator must take following three steps to start Cryo Alarm Handler in Main Control Room.
How to fix Frozen Mass-Separator Hall Probes
PLC Up-loads => Affected Systems
This was put together in 2008: up-dating might be necessary
isac2diag ioc cpu reset
How to connect to EPICS using windows laptop
how to connect to EPICS using the windows laptop and putty - useful when tinkering with equipment in experimental hall.
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