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Procedure for Target Conditioning

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Dec. 9, 2005, Revised April 9, 2006

Raise ionizer and target currents to 230A (ionizer) and 580A (target). Establish (and record) tunes for 7Li, 23Na, 39K, 85Rb, and 133Cs [,etc., ed.], with appropriate Alpha and Beta correction coil values for each element (based on horizontal and vertical emittance measurements). Establish tune  for 7Li first, 23Na second, then the other beams. If the 23Na current is not sufficient, establish a tune for 27Al instead. Record both preseparator and mass separator settings (as well as appropriate tunes) for each alkali element.

Prior to p+ beam on target, record and save a magnet scan of the complete range of ion beams (FC0 current vs. MB1 current). An example of such a scan is:


Dump the scan data to a file and record the file name in the elog. Make sure that the actual FC current is being recorded (not voltages), that the FC current is not saturating during the scan, and that all ion beam currents from the target are included.

Since there have been changes to the ISAC beam transport system during shutdown, it is imperative that good tunes be established while stable beams are available from the target. Beam tuning should commence as soon as stable beams are observed and should be completed before the stable beam s are depleted.

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