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Adjusting 2AB Rotation Radius While Running Annular Target

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Date: July 18, 2008 By: Mike Trinczek Instructions for proton beam radius settings while running the annular targert.

ISAC is currently using an annular Ta target. As such, we wish to rotate the proton beam at a larger radius than before, ideally at 6.0mm. Obviously, this will put a greater amount of beam on the M20 Halo protect monitor, leading to larger currents on the different plates and corresponding to different ratios.


This is okay. If there are  any warnings (say, on Up, Down, Left, Right, or the ratios), this does not pose a danger to the target. It is expected. If the current levels start getting close to the trip levels, the easiest solution is to simply lower the 2AB rotation radius by 0.1mm. Do not lower it too much  [less than 5.5mm] to reduce the warnings. Only reduce it if it gets too close to the trip levels.

This will be reviewed next early next week before we push up the current on Tuesday's Development shift.

Please email any concerns to me at

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