--obsolete-- New ISAC Low Intensity Diagnostics
Source: ION written by Tiffany Angus, as per Marco Marchetto's E-log entry of 2007-11-07
Date: Nov. 7, 2007
Recently, Victor Verzilov installed new low-intensity monitors in the ISAC I beamlines. He also reorganized the low-intensity monitor signals in a single diagnostics rack; therefore, the old scalers are no longer valid. Below is the list of low-intensity monitors and relative scalers of the ISAC I high energy section (the scalers can be found under the HEBT Optics 1 page by clicking on the ISAC:LIDCNT1 button):
MEBT:SID9 (in the MEBT Optics 2 page): Scaler S3 (ISAC:LIDCNT1:S3)
HEBT:PSID5 (DTL phase monitor, in the HEBT Optics 1 page): Scaler S5 (ISAC:LIDCNT1:S5)
HEBT:SID5 (Purity monitor, in the HEBT Optics 1 page): Scaler S7 (ISAC:LIDCNT1:S7)
HEBT3:SID4 (in HEBT3 Optics page): Scaler S9 (ISAC:LIDCNT1:S9)