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Resetting IMSIOC

By Roxana Ralea, as per Rolf Keitel, July 17, 2007


Last night we had problems rebooting IOSIOC. Rolf  Keitel came in and he wrote the following procedure:

The IOSIOC in the VME crate on the HV platform in the Mass Separator Room is exposed to radiation. This causes memory errors, which are becoming problematic at proton beam currents > 30µA. In addition, the ethernet switch on the HV platform is also affected by radiation.


1. Try a soft reboot by typing "reboot" from an IOC console window.

2. If it doesn't help, remotely power-cycle the VME crate either from the health monitor page or with the switch at the front of the VME crate (see note below).

3. If it doesn't help:

   a. Power cycle the network switch in the PLC cabinet at the North-East corner of the HV platform.

   b. Wait until the LED display of the network switch has settled down.

   c. Power-cycle the VME crete either from the health monitor page or with the switch at the front of the VME crate (see note below).

NOTE: The VME crate and the IMSIOC console are both power-cycled on remote reset. Therefore it is good practice to type "quit" in the console window, "Refresh" the console application, and launch a new IMS console window.

This problem can be found at:

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