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Tigress 1 State-Of-Health (SOH) Variables and Alarms

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Two alarms, "Tig1 Shack High Temperature" and "TIG1 SOH Watchdog Failure", for Tigress 1 have been added to ALH2 page under "EXPERIMENTS." When they alarm, please follow the instructions in:

By Keiko Ezawa, ISAC Controls, Nov 25, 2008

(Requested by Greg Hackman)


Two alarms,  "Tig1 Shack High Temperature" and "TIG1 SOH Watchdog Failure", for Tigress 1 have been added to ALH2 page under "EXPERIMENTS".

  • "Tig1 Shack High Temperature" will alarm when the Tigress1 Shack Temperature rises above 38 degrees.
  • "TIG1 SOH Watchdog Failure" will alarm when the SOH Watchdog fails to update.

 In case of an alarm, please follow the instructions found at:


 This link is available on "Guidance" page which can be access by pressing "G" button beside the alarm name on ALH.


 "TIG1 Shack Temperature" and "TIG1 SOH Watchdog", can be monitored from the new Tigress 1 State-Of-Health (SOH) Experiment Variables page. The page has been added to the pull-down menu of "Experimts" on ISAC EPICS menu.


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