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--obsolete-- Superconducting Solenoid Power Supply Instructions

***IMPORTANT***: Please make this one of the first things to do during a power outage!!!

By Klaus Reiniger, January 2, 2007


In the event that a site power interruption lasts more than four second, the Helium Conservation Modules will become unarmed and effectively create a short circuit across the magnet power supply lines, which enables the magnets to dissipate its energy without boiling off the liquid helium.

In the event that the HCM becomes disarmed, please do the following:

  1. Turn the on/off power switch of the power supply to off.
  2. Depress the output inhibit switch power supply.

Please note that the EPICS system will not allow you to rearm the HCM until the solenoid has discharged its internal energy, ie. Isol = 0ADC.

After power is restored, please do the following:

  1. Arm the HCM via EPICS. ***This must be the first step.***
  2. Set programmed current to 0.0000 via EPICS.
  3. Having verified locally that the HCM is armed (green LED is on), turn the supply on/off switch to on.
  4. Depress the inhibit button to extinguish the light.
  5. Start the supply to run to desired current.
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