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E-Log Commentary

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By Andy Hurst, May 30, 2003


As the HOOP (Head of Ops), I receive feedback from a variety of sources. Often it comes in the form of constructive criticism. Often it comes with a lack of understanding of the operations environment. I always defend your collective honour, but do make note of things that can be improved. In this instance, I have a minute to post a reminder of a few general things related to the e-log; nothing in particular that any recent logs have precipitated, so no one need feel offended.

  1. The e-log is extremely important - as a method of communication, as a permanent record, as one that saves paper and can be conveniently searched.
  2. Please be aware that quite a few people read the e-log, so make sure that comments are diplomatic. Even if it is frustrating at times, we don't want to be seen as disrespectful or partisan. Don't hit that enter button unless you have proofread the comment and edited it for not-necessarily-mature audiences.
  3. All relevant info should be recorded, but not redundantly so. People should be able to get a feeling for what transpired without asking around, nor should it be buried in.
  4. Please only enter the shift operator on duty as the crew of record. Anticipating that coordinators might be present not only may be wrong if they are not, but gives a false impression that we are overstocked with operators.
  5. Creative writing is welcome in moderation, as long as it is consistent with [point] 3.
  6. I don't think that temporary instructions should be included in the e-log, there is no verification that all ops have read them, and they are soon buried. Rather, they should be done via an ION note. (See also the associated note on temporary instructions.) (Can we get an electronic ion book? The Ops message list is close, but not sufficient.)
  7. Mostly very good work. Carry on.
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