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FAS "Defeat" Procedures

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Date: December 20, 2006 From: Mark Stenning Work Permit requirements for maintenance or modifications to the fire alarm system.

Hi Fred and Damien,



My apologies if this has not been made clear before...I did discuss it briefly with Paul a while ago. Could you please see that it gets read by the ISAC and CYC Ops groups.



Please note that any maintenance on or modifications to the Fire Alarm System cannot proceed without a Work Permit from the 500MeV Operations group. Furthermore, until such time as the policy is reviewed in the light of a revised Configuration Managerment TSOP for the united accelerator systems division (in progress), requests from outside the 500 MeV OPS group for the temporary disarming of FAS detection devices must come in the form of a 500 MeV (TRIUMF) Work Permit

. The disarming will not take place before the Work Permit is signed by 500 MeV OPS. It is acknowledged that this policy increases the administrative workload but it is being implimented as an interim measure to enhance fire safety.


Mark Stenning

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