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Mass Separator Room Access with CSB commisioning

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Access to the MSR with new CSB setup

With the CSB commissioning going on there is the possibility of high x-ray fields around the CSB in the mass separator room. Eventually it is planned to install enough lead shielding around the source to ensure the fields are low enough for people to go there. This shielding will be installed in the shutdown 2009. Until then, before any access to the Mass Separator Room one has to make sure the RF going to the CSB source is switched off and locked out. The RF amplifier controls can be found on the EPICS page CSB optics2 CSB:RFS. The amplifier is located in the Experimental Hall behind the Yield Station. It has a key switch for the high voltage of the clystron. (see photos).


If the mass separator room is to be opened the RF has to be switched off via the EPICS page. The key switch on the amplifier has to be turned into off position. The key must then be removed and is to be stored in the ISAC II Control Room key cabinet.



Conversely, the MSR must be locked and/or secured (beam mode dependent) before the key to the RF amplifier is inserted and switched on.


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